Saturday, 27 July 2024 / 20 Muharram 1446 H *

Saturday, 27 July 2024 / 20 Muharram 1446 H *

National Projects

Posts tagged ‘hussein’

  • Visiting the shrines in Iraq
    26Dec 2015

    Visiting the shrines in Iraq

    I looked around me. The sight of masses of people walking around in draping black garments, sitting down on fine Persian rugs, reciting, reading and contemplating was alluring. I stared up at the ceiling; I was mesmerised, almost drowning into the intricately designed floral panels, golden boards, stunning silver chandeliers flowing out from the ceiling with […]

  • Take me to Karbala
    26Oct 2015

    Take me to Karbala

    I was told as a child that stories have happy endings , But Hussain your stories and tragedies are never ending, Despite my love for you , I know my loyalty isn’t true , My sins are evident and nothing new, My manners and good deeds are little and few, Why do tears make rivers in […]

  • The epic of Karbala: A divine decree
    17Oct 2015

    The epic of Karbala: A divine decree

    Dr Murtadha Alidina considers Imam Hussain’s knowledge of the unseen regarding the Battle of Karbala and explores why he still proceeded despite knowing the tragic outcome. It is often overlooked that the events leading up to the tragedy of Karbala were divinely decreed and designed. When Imam Hussain (as) visited the Prophet’s (pbuh) grave for […]

  • Hazrat Muslim Ibn Aqeel
    25Sep 2015

    Hazrat Muslim Ibn Aqeel

    On the desertion of Muslim Ibn Aqeel by everyone at the mosque of Kufa, except one person, Hani Ibn Urwah, in whose house he was staying:   Muslim Ibn Aqeel turned around, after leading the prayers And saw where once there were many, there was only one there Where once loyalty had been promised, desertion […]

Prayer Time Table Saturday 27 Jul 2024

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