Saturday, 27 July 2024 / 20 Muharram 1446 H *

Saturday, 27 July 2024 / 20 Muharram 1446 H *

National Projects

Culture & Social

This section will cover an array of topics ranging from light-hearted reviews of topical cultural experiences, special editions on travel destinations, and festivals around the world. We will also discuss social affairs and propose tips and potential solutions based on Islamic insights.

  • Less is more
    1May 2021

    Less is more

    Reading time: Minutes This concept may seem counter-intuitive but looking at our own lives and around us we see it is true in various areas. Less eating = more health One of the biggest issues today is obesity and the related health issues1. Paradoxically one of the biggest issues in society today is also inequality […]

  • #RosesForPeace 2016
    28Dec 2016

    #RosesForPeace 2016

    The Islamic Unity Society took part in the #RosesForPeace national campaign, where 12000 roses were distributed on December 18th 2016, across 5 different cities in the UK; London, Manchester, Leeds, Birmingham and Newport. The reach on Twitter was phenomenal, with one million accounts being reached (and counting!), and fantastic responses and engagement on different social media channels. […]

  • Our Journey
    3Sep 2016

    Our Journey

    Islamic Unity Society’s summer camp was an enriching experience as members seized the unique opportunity to take the weekend break to the idyllic Welsh countryside.   Associates of IUS from London, Leeds and Manchester attended the workshops, which included: Spiritual Zone, Leadership and the MBTI programme which delved deep in the phenomenon of the ‘self’. […]

  • Hasten to do good works!
    27May 2016

    Hasten to do good works!

    According to 2015 Government statistics, 3,569 people slept rough on any one night across England – this is over double the number counted in 2010. In London, there is more than 7,500 homeless people – a number that has almost doubled in the past 5 years.[1] Moreover, homeless people are the most vulnerable and socially […]

  • Mortgages- Do Your Homework!
    8Feb 2016

    Mortgages- Do Your Homework!

    One of the largest decisions many of us may face is whether to buy or rent a property. In some circumstances renting can be more convenient than purchasing  property, particularly if you want something temporary or if you don’t wish to be tied down to a location. However, in the long term it might not […]

  • In a rush?
    20Nov 2015

    In a rush?

    Do you ever feel rushed? Not just sometimes, but most of the time? Many of us feel there is too much to do and too little time, causing us to always feel behind, stressed and anxious with a constant need to catch up. Technology has been designed to make life easier with much of technology […]

  • Let’s Pray
    4Sep 2015

    Let’s Pray

    When was the last time you prayed? Not a question we usually ask each other, but one we should probably start asking ourselves, especially given its many benefits. Prayer is important in many religions and collective prayer is also encouraged, as seen with Friday prayers in Islam, Sunday church gatherings, as well as gatherings at […]

  • High As A Kite?
    24Jul 2015

    High As A Kite?

    Most if not all of us know someone who has taken drugs at least once in their life or we may have even taken them ourselves. Unfortunately it’s a common problem and many youngsters in school are falling into it. Most commonly the first drug people try is marijuana also known as cannabis or “weed”.[1] […]

  • Silence- A Lost Treasure
    3Jul 2015

    Silence- A Lost Treasure

    Silentium est aureum – often translated as silence is golden, or perhaps more aptly as silence is gold; is a phrase laden with ancient wisdom in a world severely in need of timeless assistance. Gold is that which is eternally valuable, eternally sought after, so how strange is it today that silence, the finest manifestation […]

  • In Unity there is Strength
    5Jun 2015

    In Unity there is Strength

    I was recently on a weekend camping trip in the Lake District with a group of friends, hiking, barbeques and staying up late into the night. On one of the nights we sat camped around a medium-sized camp fire, admiring the bright embers and burning wood. We began sharing reflections and stories and one of […]

Prayer Time Table Saturday 27 Jul 2024

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The Islamic Unity Society is a registered UK charity.
Registration number: 1066910

Islamic Unity Society
Unit 132,
6 Wilmslow Road,
M14 5TP


Please note that IUS does not necessarily agree with what is discussed and presented by the speakers, co-organisations and any umbrella organisations it is associated with.

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