Saturday, 27 July 2024 / 20 Muharram 1446 H *

Saturday, 27 July 2024 / 20 Muharram 1446 H *

National Projects

‘VOU-Archive’ category

  • Part 2: What are the justifications for maintaining physical health from an Islamic perspective?
    29Jun 2012

    Part 2: What are the justifications for maintaining physical health from an Islamic perspective?

    Part 1, of this series, provided a definition of health, which included physical, mental, social and spiritual well being. It also highlighted the rising prevalence of cardiovascular disease within the Muslim world. In part 2, we will now consider the justifications for maintaining one’s physical health, using Qur’anic references and Prophetic traditions. Three main reasons […]

  • Islam and Physical Health
    24Jun 2012

    Islam and Physical Health

    Part 1: What is health and why is it important in this day and age? This 4 part series aims to discuss the Islamic perspective on physical health in the light of the growing problems of obesity and heart disease in this day and age. Parts 1 and 2 will provide an introduction to the […]

  • Conscience
    31May 2012


    Let me tell you about a man Who would do anything to silence that guide from within That guide we call conscience which chastises us Every time we commit a sin He surrounded himself with distractions Even travelled to distant lands To silence his conscience he used every weapon And implemented every plan He shot […]

  • An open reading on Islamic women
    18May 2012

    An open reading on Islamic women

    The time of the Prophet (saw) was one where the “might is right” philosophy was the mentality amongst the paternalist and tribal Jahiliyya (pre-Islamic) culture. Such was the backwardness of the people that girls were buried alive[1] and “…when news is brought to one of them, of (the birth of) a female (child), his face […]

  • Journey into the Light
    17May 2012

    Journey into the Light

    Too often people get caught up in the trivialities of life. William Shakespeare famously wrote “all the worlds’ a stage” and indeed, we go about our daily lives playing our roles and reading our lines as we should. Many times we lose sight of the bigger picture and become swamped with the chores of day […]

  • Domestic violence against women: Dispelling myths and misconceptions
    15May 2012

    Domestic violence against women: Dispelling myths and misconceptions

    The 8th of March is the 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day. Until about two years ago I would have thought little about marking the day or taking time out to reflect on how gender impacts every facet of life. Being a woman who is privileged to have a loving family, education, food, safety and […]

  • Fatima Zahra (as)
    13May 2012

    Fatima Zahra (as)

    Amongst the Holy Five, the only name that existed prior to the advent of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was Fatima (as). Indeed so popular was this name amongst Bani Hashim – one of the wives of Abdul Muttalib was called Fatima as was the wife of Abu Talib – it was only a matter […]

  • I Am a Muslim Woman
    28Jan 2011

    I Am a Muslim Woman

    Feel free to ask me why
    When I walk
    I walk with dignity
    When I speak
    I do not lie
    I am a Muslim woman
    Not all of me you’ll see

  • Get up to speed on fasting
    16Aug 2010

    Get up to speed on fasting

    The Holy Prophet (pbuh) is reported to have said: “Fasting is a protection from the calamities of this world, and a veil from punishment of the next.” When you fast, aim to purify your soul from every sin, darkness, arrogance, pride, greed and heedlessness so that you may know yourself and discover the treasure that […]

  • Fatima al-Zahra (as)
    1Jan 2010

    Fatima al-Zahra (as)

    Fatima al-Zahra (as) was born in the holy city of Makkah on the 20th of Jumadi al-Akhir (615 AD), five years after the declaration of the final message of Islam. Of the titles given to Fatima (as) by the holy Prophet (pbuh) was Umm Abeeha (1), which means the mother of her father, recognising the […]

Prayer Time Table Saturday 27 Jul 2024

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