Saturday, 27 July 2024 / 20 Muharram 1446 H *

Saturday, 27 July 2024 / 20 Muharram 1446 H *

National Projects

Bibi Sakina (as), by Haniya Zahra, aged 6

14Oct 2022

Assalaamolaikum everybody, my name is Haniya and I’m going to tell you all about Bibi Sakina. Bibi Sakina’s mum’s name was Bibi Rubab and her dad’s name was Imam Hussain. She was just two years old when she started wearing the scarf. She loved to read Qur’an. Imam Hussain used to pray that he would have a daughter that he loves her and she loves him and Bibi Sakina used to snuggle with Imam Hussain and put her head on his chest. Imam Husain used to tell her stories of the Prophet, Bibi Fatima and Imam Ali. 

On the day of Ashura Imam had to fight and he died in a fight and they burned Bibi Sakina’s camp. They pulled the earrings from Bibi Sakina’s ears and they took them.

One night Bibi Sakina dreamed that she would have her baba’s coming to her. She suddenly woke up and started crying and said where’s my Baba, where’s my baba? She suddenly stopped. Her mummy came and brought her the plate. She wasn’t moving so she checked the heart beat and she died.

I learned lots of things from Bibi Sakina. To listen to your mum, to listen to your dad, play with your baby sister, to wear hijab and to read Qur’an.


Prayer Time Table Saturday 27 Jul 2024

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