Tuesday, 18 February 2025 / 19 Shabaan 1446 H *

Tuesday, 18 February 2025 / 19 Shabaan 1446 H *

National Projects

In the Media

‘Let’s Talk Marriage’abtv poster

IUS-Logo-800px We have the pleasure in announcing that we have teamed up with Ahlulbayt TV (Abtv) to bring you a panel discussion show on the subject of marriage and related topics.

IUS is an organisation that primarily represents people between the ages of 18 to 30 and we do our best to provide services that will relate best to this group of people.

With the topic of marriage, we believe we are discussing a topic that will Insh’Allah affect us all and one that will all go through.

It’s a great opportunity to discuss the subject with a wide range of guests including input from Abbas & Shaheen Merali the authors of the book, ‘From Marriage to Parenthood: The Heavenly Path’

abtv-logoThe show started on Saturday 9th April and will Insh’Allah run for six weeks. Each week the aim is to discuss a different marriage related topic. The timings are 8pm – 9.30pm and can be seen LIVE on ABTV (Sky Channel 831).


It will be an excellent opportunity for viewers to watch and also contribute to the discussion with their questions, comments and suggestions. This can be done via:

Phone – (will be on screen)

Text – (will be on screen)

Social Media (#Abtvius) – You can start your interactions now

You can give your input via social media by using the hashtag #Abtvius

You can also follow us on:

Tune in starting this Saturday 9th April on Abtv from 8pm and be part of the discussion!

Please do tell your friends and family, as Abtv is international and is available in many countries.

For more information and to be part of this or future shows please contact: marketing@ius.org.uk

Prayer Time Table Tuesday 18 Feb 2025

About Us

The Islamic Unity Society is a registered UK charity.
Registration number: 1066910

Islamic Unity Society
Unit 132,
6 Wilmslow Road,
M14 5TP