Tuesday, 18 February 2025 / 19 Shabaan 1446 H *

Tuesday, 18 February 2025 / 19 Shabaan 1446 H *

National Projects


What is branding and rebranding?

It’s our promise to our members. It tells our members what they can expect from our community events and services, and it’s what differentiates us from other organisations. It’s who we are, who we want to be, and who our members and community perceive us to be. Rebranding is basically adjusted and improved branding.

Why have we decided to rebrand?

We felt we needed a new, open and modern image in an ever changing multi-cultural society in the 21st century. We wanted it to also reflect the vision of a united community which we promote as an organisation.

What exactly is changing?

We now have a clear and improved IUS Vision to work from which will reflect in our rebranding, it guides our teams and projects for at least the next 5 years. We launched our new website to give a more modern and user friendly experience. Our logo, merchandise, social media, letterhead, business cards, banners, wall planner and marketing material have all been redesigned to reflect our vision and goals for the coming years. We also hope to have a more consistent brand image.

What’s our new Vision statement?

An integrated young British Muslim community, which is strong, united and actively contribute to society.

What’s our new Mission statement?

Empowering young British Muslims to develop, grow and engage in a multicultural Britain through the universal principles of Islam.

What are the values you represent?

Unity, Diversity, Contribution and Growth

How will a rebrand change anything?

We will be seen as a more inclusive organisation, with a brand that targets an English speaking audience, an open organisation accepting people from all backgrounds, ethnicities and faiths.

Why not keep the old logo?

Given some external factors present in the past few years of the image given by those wanting to demean Islam and Muslims, having Arabic text within our logo didn’t seem inclusive and may confuse some non-Muslims. We always need to consider and observe the external environment then act accordingly which we feel we now need to do. Other branding aspects such as the website was outdated and needed to be renewed (this has already been done).

Tell me about the new logo?

  • The icon represents 3 young people holding hands to show unity
  • Each person represents a different colour to show diversity
    • The crescent around the icon and text gives the Islamic touch as well as to show that we are and work together within the circle of Islam’s teachings

Prayer Time Table Tuesday 18 Feb 2025

About Us

The Islamic Unity Society is a registered UK charity.
Registration number: 1066910

Islamic Unity Society
Unit 132,
6 Wilmslow Road,
M14 5TP