Saturday, 27 July 2024 / 20 Muharram 1446 H *

Saturday, 27 July 2024 / 20 Muharram 1446 H *

National Projects


5Nov 2012
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Today I am so sad because I see so much injustice in the world

I wish people would stand by the truth.

I question why do they lie?

Are they not scared to meet their Lord when they die?

They care more about name, fame and being in no pain

They have forget they will one day they are bound to stand in shame

They believe that forever they will smile

Not realising their sins have become a mountain not a pile

They have forgotten all their deeds are locked in a file

Time has come and gone but sadly inside they are the same despite their new style

Good on the right, Bad on the left, on a weighing scale they will be placed

As we stand alone on that day, in front of our Lord who we must face

Some faces are will be black whilst others will be white

But I am sure those who stand by the truth are in the light

This life is simply a test, just try and do your best

Do not worry as you can always pray

Stand humbly and take your time and beg Allah that you do not stray

When you are faced with hardship, do not cry

Stand by the truth because Allah helps those that do not lie

When times get tough remember you are never alone

When this world becomes a prison, I beg you don’t forget your true mission

He is with you during the day and at night

And believe me we will never understand his true might

Allah is watching, he is your witness,

 Only he can get you out of darkness.

I plea with all of you today, to remember your lord as only this will bring tranquillity to your beating heart.

Surely this bring happiness and serenity as with Allah you can always have a new start

In this world fly like a white dove, look at Allah`s beautiful creations from above and you will realise something………

Surely Allah is who you should love

Credits: Picture from flickr user tuscany sunshine

Prayer Time Table Saturday 27 Jul 2024

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