Saturday, 27 July 2024 / 20 Muharram 1446 H *

Saturday, 27 July 2024 / 20 Muharram 1446 H *

National Projects


6Oct 2012

A traveller I am, I have been far and wide,
I do visit your home, and in me you confide.

I hail from a land, in a far away place,
I have visited millions, by the All Mighty’s Grace.

When I visit I need not, your food nor your drink,
I only sit and indeed, I feel that you think…

Of how you are blessed, to have me in your home,
For I am from Jannah, but on Earth I do roam.

I am small and fragile, thus you treat me with care,
I am so dear to you that, you sit near me in prayer.

You love me so much, you never ask me to leave,
I have seen you in joy, and also when you do grieve.

You have introduced me, to your family and friends,
But only to each soul, who truly comprehends…

That I am not merely your guest, who sits on the floor,
I hold history and Truth, and I am surely a cure.

For diseases and troubles; know that I do not lie,
I can cure all except that, from which you are fated to die.

For centuries, great ones have visited me,
While their sorrowful faces, I clearly could see.

Allah has chosen me, since the earliest time,
For I would be witness, to the most tragic crime.

In my home, was spilt the Holiest blood,
And since then, my visitors shed tears like a flood.

To visit my land, is a duty upon you,
As a servant of Allah, a lover of those who are true.

I wish that you, could simply understand,
That I am not just a reminder, of that Holiest land.

I have a right and honor, that I must explain,
I am a vessel of Haqq, and a holder of pain.

When you turn to Allah, in the day and the night,
I am the one who helps focus your sight.

I say not a word, and yet give you direction.
I act as a link, a Divine type of connection.

I have been blessed, in such numerous ways,
For when you look at me, it is Allah whom you praise.

Within me is some part of that Holiest One,
The one who saved deen; Zahra’s younger son.

He fought againt batil; this savior of Islam,
Do remember this when, you hold me in your palm.

Now have you come, to recognize my rank?
You are blessed to host me, and our Creator–you must thank.

Think for a moment, and you will realize,
That you see me so often, in any shape or size.

How far have I travelled–I cannot calculate,
But perhaps this is, my great blessing and fate.

That I bring the Holy land, to all momineen,
As you stand in salat; I witness the scene.

You faithful are those, who love the grand Lights,
And you must be aware, of their status and rights.

It is because of the fifth, that I have travelled and spread,
How many have bowed, and touched me to their head?

Right now, with you, in your home I reside,
But I may travel again, anywhere worldwide.

For wherever the faithful, do go and migrate,
I must be with them; it is good for their fate.

As I relate history, without speaking a sound,
Stare at me with your soul, when you look at the ground.

Allah created me, at a time you do not know,
But you are aware, of when THAT blood did flow…

It is that, which gives me my special power,
To heal and ease worries, in any day, any hour.

I remind the believers, of that great sacrifice,
And to know who I am, these words should suffice.

My master is Sayyid ush-Shuhada, do you hear?
He prayed upon me, while surrounded by spears.

That sujood stands apart from all else, I declare,
For through it, the All Mighty is worshipped, everywhere.

So do not ever forget, when you stand up to pray,
That I am a traveller, your guest, I am Karbala’s clay.

Credits: Picture by flickr user: Doug88888

Prayer Time Table Saturday 27 Jul 2024

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