Saturday, 27 July 2024 / 20 Muharram 1446 H *

Saturday, 27 July 2024 / 20 Muharram 1446 H *

National Projects


VOU Faith aims to increase out understanding on a range of Islamic topics, by conveying key messages to help us continue to improve our ethics and moral behavior based on Islamic teachings. We hope these teachings will help us in the pursuit of moving towards perfection.

  • Islam: The total submission to the will of Allah
    12Sep 2012

    Islam: The total submission to the will of Allah

    ﴿و ما كان لمؤمن و لا مؤمنة إذا قضى الله و رسوله أمرا أن يكون لهم الخيرة من أمرهم و من يعصي الله و رسوله فقد ضلّ ضلالا بعيدا﴾ – ألأحزاب: 36. “No believing man nor any believing woman should exercise any choice in their affair once Allah and His messenger have decided upon some […]

  • The Quran: A Healing and Mercy to Mankind (Part 2)
    2Sep 2012

    The Quran: A Healing and Mercy to Mankind (Part 2)

    This is a two part essay about Quran and healing. .We will address within this article several ways that the Quran promotes healing and a balanced society. This part of the article addresses Man’s connection to the world. No longer can mankind believe themselves to be individual entities operating independent of the whole. So, what […]

  • The Quran: A Healing and Mercy to Mankind
    24Aug 2012

    The Quran: A Healing and Mercy to Mankind

    This is a two part essay about Quran and healing. Allah has proven the authenticity of the Quran through various platforms; One which is the medical field. Amazingly, what was once considered superstition now is proven true through Allah’s perfect book. We will address within this article several ways that the Quran promotes healing and […]

  • Avoiding Post-Ramadan Regression
    17Aug 2012

    Avoiding Post-Ramadan Regression

    With the conclusion of yet another month of Ramadan, we hope and pray that we have gained the forgiveness and mercy of Allah (SWT) and that we live till next year to have the opportunity and reap the fruits of this holy month. Farewell to the month of good manners, farewell to the month of […]

  • The essence of fasting
    10Aug 2012

    The essence of fasting

    All acts of worship have an outer dimension and an inner dimension and we have been commanded to observe both of these as they are necessary for the individual to reach the reality and essence of his worship. Fasting, like prayer, zakat, Hajj and all other direct forms of worship has a surface level and […]

  • Journey into the Light
    17May 2012

    Journey into the Light

    Too often people get caught up in the trivialities of life. William Shakespeare famously wrote “all the worlds’ a stage” and indeed, we go about our daily lives playing our roles and reading our lines as we should. Many times we lose sight of the bigger picture and become swamped with the chores of day […]

  • Get up to speed on fasting
    16Aug 2010

    Get up to speed on fasting

    The Holy Prophet (pbuh) is reported to have said: “Fasting is a protection from the calamities of this world, and a veil from punishment of the next.” When you fast, aim to purify your soul from every sin, darkness, arrogance, pride, greed and heedlessness so that you may know yourself and discover the treasure that […]

Prayer Time Table Saturday 27 Jul 2024

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The Islamic Unity Society is a registered UK charity.
Registration number: 1066910

Islamic Unity Society
Unit 132,
6 Wilmslow Road,
M14 5TP


Please note that IUS does not necessarily agree with what is discussed and presented by the speakers, co-organisations and any umbrella organisations it is associated with.

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