Saturday, 27 July 2024 / 20 Muharram 1446 H *

Saturday, 27 July 2024 / 20 Muharram 1446 H *

National Projects

Posts tagged ‘featured’

  • NHS Blood and Transplant Thanks IHBDC
    14Jul 2023

    NHS Blood and Transplant Thanks IHBDC

    We are honoured to be an official partner of NHS Blood and Transplant since July 2016 who operate across England and Wales. We would like to thank everyone who has been involved and contributed to the IUS Imam Hussain Blood Donation Campaign over the years from donors to volunteers and supporters, every effort is greatly […]

  • Outreach On The Need for Asian Convalescent Plasma Donors
    20Jul 2020

    Outreach On The Need for Asian Convalescent Plasma Donors

    NHS Blood and Transplant – COVID-19 convalescent plasma programme You may be aware that NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) is collecting COVID-19 convalescent plasma for a major coronavirus treatment trial. And, if this trial is successful, for widespread use in hospitals. Anyone who has had coronavirus or the symptoms can offer to donate at a […]

  • Blood Donation: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update
    22Mar 2020

    Blood Donation: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update

    IHBDC is encouraging all potential donors who are fit and well to continue to donate blood, and to do so independently. It is vital for the NHS to continue to collect blood for life-saving operations in this critical time. Coming to give blood is considered essential travel, therefore exempt from any restrictions on travel or […]

  • IUS Aid Grants Programme
    16Feb 2020

    IUS Aid Grants Programme

    Through the help of its donors, IUS Aid was able to sponsor 4 semesters of Syed Arif Hussain Rizvi’s last year at BS Software Engineering course at Mohammad Ali Jinnah University, Karachi, Pakistan. This is his recent email and video message: Salam un Alaikum Brother, I hope you are doing great. I am very excited […]

  • AGM Results 2019!
    9Nov 2019

    AGM Results 2019!

    Salam Alykum The IUS Annual General Meeting (AGM) was successfully held in Manchester on the 9th November 2019, with a theme of ‘Importance of Unity’. Looking to the future of IUS, we are proud to announce the 2019/2020 Executive Committee elected at the AGM, are: Chairman: Aimen Al-Diwani Vice Chair: Nosheen Zahra Secretary: Deena Karim Treasurer: Zen […]

  • Arbaeen Trip 2019
    5Nov 2019

    Arbaeen Trip 2019

    As our annual Arbaeen trip with and Manchester and Community Youth Project, we were able to distribute £7500 to orphans in Najaf and Karbala. £7500 was distributed as: £5000 to Anwar al Najafiya £1500 to DRF (drfcharity,org) £1000 to Al Ekha’a Charity Foundation Anwar al Najafiyya. Thank you to Al-Ekha Charity Foundation for allowing us to […]

  • IHBDC volunteer receives Points of Light Award from UK Prime Minister
    30Jun 2019

    IHBDC volunteer receives Points of Light Award from UK Prime Minister

    The UK Prime Minister, Theresa May, has awarded the IHBDC Coordinator, Mustafa Khan, the Points of Light Award on 26th June 2019. The Points of Light Award recognises outstanding individual volunteers across the UK – people who are making a change in their community. In a personal letter to Mustafa, Prime Minister Theresa May said: “With […]

  • Martyrs Appeal 2019
    26Jun 2019

    Martyrs Appeal 2019

    Photo: Pakistani mourners offer funeral prayers for the Shia Muslims who were killed in an ambush by gunmen during their funeral in Quetta on July 19, 2017. (Photo by AFP/PressTV) South Asia Terrorism Portal tracked from 2001 to 2019 tracked 471 incidents, 2693 deaths and 4847 casualties. IUS Aid annually in conjunction with Hyderi Cup […]

  • Kash Farooq donates blood with IHBDC in Glasgow
    1Oct 2018

    Kash Farooq donates blood with IHBDC in Glasgow

    We would like to thank Kash Farooq for attending the IHBDC session in Glasgow. Kash says ‘It’s great to be here at Glasgow Donor Centre. Giving blood is an amazing thing to do, and I’d like to encourage as many young people as possible to join in. You can start giving blood at the age […]

  • CampUK – Success!
    10Sep 2018

    CampUK – Success!

    This year IUS collaborated with CampUK in  August to host the 2018 summer camp. The camp took place in the beautiful landscape of Shrewsbury, at CondoverHall. A residential activity centre full of on site activities and picturesque gardens. The programme consisted of a range of summer activities including kayaking, rock climbing, archery, fencing, fitness training and many more. The activities catered […]

Prayer Time Table Saturday 27 Jul 2024

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The Islamic Unity Society is a registered UK charity.
Registration number: 1066910

Islamic Unity Society
Unit 132,
6 Wilmslow Road,
M14 5TP


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