Tuesday, 10 December 2024 / 8 Camad-al-Thanee 1446 H *
Interested in volunteering for IUS? Please complete the short form and we will be in contact shortly.
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Your Name (required)
Your Address (required)
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Your Date of Birth (required)
Your Gender (required) MaleFemale
Your Occupation (required)
Which team would you like to join? (required) AidCampsExecutive CommitteeFinanceHRImam Hussain Blood Donation CampaignInterfaithManchesterLondonMarketingVoice Of UnityEnvironmentOther
Further information to complete for IHDBC (required)
Education Background & Skills:
Roles of Interest: AmbassadorMarketingHRFinanceGlobalITOther
Level of Commitment: Regularly ActiveSometimes ActiveTask Only
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The Islamic Unity Society is a registered UK charity. Registration number: 1066910
Islamic Unity Society Unit 132, 6 Wilmslow Road, Rusholme, Manchester, M14 5TP